Moin Moin

Ye’llo everyone
Sorry for my late post. We are going out of town for a while so I have been super busy with packing and other stuff. I hope we are all gearing up for this winter? exciting!... winter being my favourite season. I know I know, it’s a bit weird but I love winter fashion and just the sight of snow excites me...
 Yesterday, I asked everyone on my social media platform on what you guys will like me to cook next. I also suggested moimoi. As luck will be on my side, a lot of you guys chose moimoi. Lol with some other suggestions which, lol I dont know how to cook yet, but  I won’t mind learning but I opted for the popular demand. I couldn’t make it yesterday as
promised, so I did today. 

   Moimoi, which some pronounce as moin moin is know in english as steamed bean cake. It is a Nigerian cuisine made with black-eyed-peas, very high in protein and other deliciousness 🤤. It is eaten in different ways: it can be served with rice, eaten with bread, garri or ogi (pap). There are varieties of making moi moi actually. There is moimoi made in uma leaf,  tin cans, foil wraps, snack bowls or plastic bag. The one made in Uma leaf tastes the best! lol I am being biased but....yea!  Of course the moi moi described is the steamed moi moi. Moi moi can also be baked in the oven: poured in a baking pan and baked just as you will bake moi can also be made with groundnut oil and/or palm oil. It yields different results and tastes. Both are really delicious. Lastly, you can choose to use fresh black-eyed-peas or get a powdered peas. This depends on if you have the time, and you can properly use the powdered peas. For this, however, I opted for the powdered peas.

Here are the ingredients:
4 measuring cups of powdered peas
2 mackerel 
7 eggs
Smoked cray fish 
3 shepherd pepper
3 scotch bonnets
3 onions
1 cooking spoon of butter
Curry & thyme
Mushroom bouillon 
Groundnut oil
12 snack bowls with lids 

Prepping stage:
(1) Cleaned and boiled my mackerel with salt, mushroom bouillon, and curry & salt. This was on medium heat for 20 minutes. let it cool down then I took out the bones and set aside. 
(2) Boiled all my eggs for 20 minutes on medium heat. Took out the shells and set aside. 
(3) Blended my pepper: 3 scotch bonnets, shepherd pepper and 2 onions. 
(4) My snack bowls well cleaned. Melted my butter and lathered it inside the snack bowls so it is easier to take the moimoi out when it is cooked.
(5) sliced my onions and set aside.
(6) sliced my eggs into three then set aside
Cooking stage:
(1)As stated ealier, I opted for the powdered peas, I poured it in a bowl. Poured my stock set outside from my fish right inside, followed by my pepper, and mixed.

   (Note): (i)if you’re using the black-eyed-peas. Please soak it for about 1-2 hrs, then peel the skin to                     reveal the white peas itself. Fastest method of peeling, when it is properly soaked in                            water then crush it a bit in the blender. This makes things less hectic. 
            (II) after it’s peeled, let it sit for 30 minutes, then blend it with the pepper and onions. 

(2) Now using the powdered peas, one has to be careful so it’s  too thick. The trick is, I allowed it to be watery. As it cooked, it thickened.
(3) I, Then poured my crayfish, followed by my fish, mixed again. 
(4) I poured my butter and cooking oil in a cooking pan, on low heat. Wait 2 minutes then poured my
sliced onions, curry & thyme. Then 2 minutes later, I let it cool down then drained the oil into my moimoi mix.
(5)After tasting my moi moi, it was coming together but needed more seasoning. Added two spoons of my chicken bouillon, salt, and curry and thyme. Mixed and then added one cooking cup of water.
(6) I set my cooking pot on the cooker, poured two cups of water in it. Low heat of course and allowed it to come to a boil
(7) My moimoi mix tasted good at this point, so I
started portioning it into my snack bowl. Covered it and set them into my boiling water, and
covered with foil.
(8) After about 40minutes, my moimoi was ready 😄😃😃

Thank you guys so much for replying my post on Facebook, As promised, I will DM the lucky winner. God bless you. 

Not too sure what my next post will be but I am leaning towards ikokore 😃 hopefully, I can find the yam...
Also, I will only be posting next week, then continue back in January 2019 as I will be out of the country.

Until next time, au revoir
